June 12, 2009


Is your baby ready for some variety?

Your baby is a powerhouse of activity.
Everything is a curiosity and a new experience.
Food is quickly becoming baby's number one interest.

*They watch you eat.

*Their eyes follow your spoon or fork from plate to mouth and they
reach out for a cup or spoon.

*They use their fingers now to pick up objects.

These are all signs that your baby may be ready for thicker foods
like fruits and vegetables.

The following questions and answers may help you learn more about
when and how to introduce fruits and vegetables to your baby.

My baby enjoys cereal now. When should I introduce fruits
and vegetables?

Allow time for your baby to enjoy the taste and texture of cereal for a
few weeks before introducing any other foods.

Why start with vegetables instead of fruit?

People are born with a preference for sweet tastes. Offering vegetables
first encourages babies to try other flavors and not expect all foods to
taste sweet.

How can I get my baby to eat vegetables?

Lucky you. You are starting with a clean slate. Your actions now may
trigger a life-long love of vegetables. Here's how to teach your baby to
enjoy them: Offer your baby a taste of a strained or pureed vegetable.
If they seem to enjoy it over the course of three days, offer a different
one on the fourth day. If, on the other hand, your baby rejects the
vegetable, offer another favorite vegetable that day. On the next day,
offer another small taste of the same vegetable. Continue in the same
way for at least ten days. It takes some time for babies to learn to love
vegetables - but that love starts now.

Can my baby have the same vegetables our family eats?

Your baby needs pureed or strained vegetables for the first few months
but can gradually advance to lumpier textures. As your baby approaches
their first birthday, let them in on the fun. Mash a small portion of the
family's vegetables well with a fork and offer it to them on the high chair

What about fruit juice? Isn't that the same as fruit?

No. Fruit, complete with fiber and texture, is a far better choice than
fruit juice alone. Fruit juice can lead to an upset stomach, gas or diarrhea
so if you choose to offer it, do so only in small amounts occasionally.
Additionally, fruit juice is very strong and sweet - so if you give it - it
should be diluted with water to make it easier on your baby's sensitive
stomach. And to protect your baby's little teeth, consider only offering
juice in a cup, not a bottle.

How will I know when my baby is full?

By now you're familiar with your baby's cry when they are tired, hungry
or angry. You will soon know their signs of fullness. They may turn their
head away from food, sit back or push food away. They may refuse to
open their mouth. Perhaps they will simply slow down their eating.
Which ever way they communicate that their full, respect what they are
telling you and follow their cues. "Just one more bite" is not necessary.

What vegetables and fruit tend to be baby favorites?

Babies enjoy mild flavored vegetables like avocado, squash, sweet potatoes,
carrots, spinach, peas and plantains. They also like applesauce, pears,
bananas, prunes, mangos, papayas and guavas.



2 tablespoons prepared infant cereal


2 tablespoons strained vegetables or fruit


2 tablespoons strained vegetables or fruit
2 tablespoons prepared infant cereal

Six to eight month olds still rely mostly on breastmilk or formula to grow
and develop. At this age, breastfed babies usually nurse six or more times
a day. Formula fed babies drink about 27 to 32 ounces a day.

Article Source:
MA Department of Health
AZ Department of Health Services
Bureau of USDA Nutrition Programs

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